The best sleep remedy without medication

Music is a powerful tool in the battle against sleep deprivation

Ketil Lien

1/18/20230 min read

How does listening to music help you sleep?

Music is a powerful tool in the battle against sleep deprivation. It is well known that hemodialysis patients often suffer from sleep problems, and they can benefit from music interventions [1]. Music and music-associated relaxation techniques are the best options, and they have been found to be more effective than no-music controls in treating insomnia [2]. Listening to music while hemodialysis helps you fall asleep faster, and it will improve your sleep quality [1]. Even if you don't listen to music while hemodialysis, listening to music at bedtime can help you fall asleep [3]. Not only will you fall asleep faster, but you will also feel more rested when you wake up [3]. Therefore, listening to music is an effective, safe, and inexpensive way to improve your sleep quality.

Can music reduce stress and anxiety? Is it the best sleep remedy?

The power of music to reduce stress and anxiety has been well-documented. The evidence is quite clear that music is a viable alternative to traditional treatments for stress and anxiety, especially for people with coronary heart disease (CHD) [7]. A review of current trials has shown that music interventions have a small beneficial effect on psychological distress in people with CHD [7]. Music interventions have been used to reduce anxiety and distress in medical patients, and results from music interventions in people with myocardial infarction show more consistent anxiety-reducing effects of music, with an average anxiety reduction of 5.87 units on a 20 to 80 point score range [7]. Moreover, music can reduce stress and anxiety by regulating neurological and physiological mechanisms of stress [5]. Music therapists are familiar with using different techniques to reduce stress with different populations [5], and a music therapy group showed a statistically significant decrease in anxiety compared to the control group [4]. Listening to music has also been found to have a moderate effect on anxiety in people with CHD, and anxiety-reducing effects are greatest when people are given a choice of which music to listen to [7]. Thus, it is evident that music can reduce stress and anxiety [6][5], and music therapy is an effective alternative treatment for stress and anxiety [4].

Can music increase relaxation?

Music has been used as a tool to facilitate relaxation and promote wellness in individuals for centuries. [8]. Recent research findings indicate that Music Assisted Relaxation (MAR) interventions reduce stress and improve relaxation in people [10]. MAR interventions involve components such as music listening, deep diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and imagery [10]. Music therapy is instrumental in the management of emotional and behavioral afflictions [9]. It is more likely to have a positive effect on individuals if they enjoy the type of music to which they are listening [9]. The positive effects of music have been used therapeutically to bring about positive changes in the behavior and emotional well being of individuals, and it is successfully used in reducing feelings of stress and isolation [9]. Music has even been found to reduce self-reported stress levels, and it is inversely related to perceptions of customer service [11]. While music will be relaxing only if it is enjoyed, it may have an undesirable effect if not enjoyed [9]. Thus, it is important to choose music that is enjoyable and calming to maximize its relaxing effects.











